Introducing Nadia: AI Coaching for Everyone

Meet Nadia, our AI-powered coach that we believe is the start of a new era.

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Introducing Nadia: Imagine a Yoda in Every Leader's Pocket

For Nine Months, Valence Has Been Hard at Work trying to build what we think is the future of … what exactly? Of Leadership Development, definitely. Of manager support — that too. Of learning at the point of need, in the flow of work? Check and check.

In closed beta with some of our largest customers, our team of product, engineering, data wizards and people scientists have leveraged the power of AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) to craft a brand new coaching platform.

Today, we're thrilled to unveil Nadia - an AI powered coach that we think is the start of a new era. Imagine every employee, no matter how young or old, experienced or new, having their very own, always-on, personal coach. 

And not just a coach, imagine a mentor as wise as Yoda — Nadia is designed to be your confidential sounding board, your expert, your coach, and your helper, guiding you through the complexities of leadership and interpersonal dynamics, in a private, safe space.


Nadia is affordable - companies can literally scale this personalized support to any leader, any employee, anywhere in the world. This fosters a culture of excellence and growth at all levels, challenging the traditional barriers to personal development.

Coaching squared

Nadia combines the wisdom of a mentor, the contextual knowledge of a manager, the support of an assistant, and the strategic insight of a chief of staff. It's a revolutionary approach to leadership challenges, team collaboration, and personal growth.

A Safe, Private Space

In today's fast-paced leadership environment, finding a space where you can voice concerns, explore challenges, and seek guidance without fear of judgment is invaluable. Nadia offers this sanctuary, ensuring your journey to leadership excellence is both private and personalized.

Valence's mission goes beyond providing a SaaS offering. We are technologists, people scientists and coaches who believe that we can transform learning and collaborating at work, for everyone.  We aim to make work more inclusive, effective and aligned with what makes us best as humans. 

Nadia is the first step towards our vision for a future where every leader has the support, wisdom, and insights needed to excel — a future we're excited to help build, with you.

As we step into this new era, we invite you to join us. 

Whether you're a potential customer, a potential Valencer, or a manager looking for help, we want to hear from you. 

The chance to be at the forefront of this wave of change, to co-create the solutions that will reach millions, and to be part of the movement to build better workplaces — it’s literally a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity. 

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